In Memory Of...
In Memory of.....
David Arballo (2008)
Thomas Bergmark  (1979)
Alan Bryant (1980)
Donna Burns Smith (2012)
Ken Byrd (2011)
Julie Cameron  (2005)
Sherri Carpenter  (2008)
Mike Chandler  (1978)

Mike Dellinger  (1992)
Mark Dewey (2003)
Robert Duberg (Oct 2020)
Dana Estep (2016)
Janelle Fredrickson (2022)
Mary Gain (Sept 2020)
Bob Hammitt (2012)
Cynthia Henke Limon  (2010)
Jim Hislope (2007)
Debbie Hodge Anson  (2010)
Chris Jorgenson (2003) 

Edward Kelsch  (1995)
William King (2021)
David Legassie (2001)

Louie Lieras (2018)
Eric Linderman (2017)

Kevin Long (2004)
Belinda Lovette Lawson (1993)
Craig Lyon (2008)
Susan Mannis (2009)
Rene McNair Schuricht (2012)
Roy Lee Perry (2009)
Wayne Richardson (2004)
Terri Thomas Rowland (2011)
Bob Servetter (2021)
John Spaeth (2007)
Patricia Stewart Yavorsky (2022)
Danny Street (2018)
Mike Vanderpool  (1975)
David Watson  (1998)
Cindy Young  (2010)

Shirley Zenisek (1994)
     ....forever absent from this world,
yet forever present in our hearts. 

The circumstances regarding these individuals were supplied by family members, classmates and committee members. Please inform us if  any of these are incorrect.